CS 2710 / ISSP 2160, Foundations of Artificial Intelligence, Fall 2015


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thereapist.py.txt (remove the .txt to use it). A simple ELIZA-like therapist program ... Here is a script showing it in use.

Web page for the text

Simple code for tree and graph search (Python 2.*)
Simple code for tree and graph search (Python 3.*)

search.py (remove txt to use it): Extended search code in Python 2*
search.py (remove txt to use it): Extended search code in Python 3*
Both use utils.py: a utilities module

Adversarial search code


sample input file 1
sample input file 2
sample input file 5
sample input file 6


entropy.py.txt - remove "txt" to run the program

Python web site. If you don't know Python, then go through the tutorial.