Priority Queues, Compression and Encryption Applets

Priority Queues
This is a very good applet which goes through the creaton of a priority queues. The animation is very good and on the page it gives you very detailed information about priority queues. It goes step by step through the algorithms used, shows what each new piece of information is having done to it and what the stacks look like after each new item is introduced.

Huffman Compression Algorithm
This is a very good applet which helps to show and explain how the Huffman Compression Algorithm works. It reads in a premade file and then shows what the algorithm is doing, through the use of animation. It then goes step by step through creating a Huffman tree, and at the end puts everything together so that the user can see how the compression really takes place.

Double Hashing Applet
This is a very good applet which goes step by step through the creation of a hash table. The applet reads in items from a premade file and then creates hash keys for the items. It then tries to put items into a hash table, and uses the Double Hashing method to solve collisions. Very good animation makes the applet easy to follow.

Chain Hashing Applet
This is a fully animated applet which takes user entered numbers and using the chain collision method enters the numbers into a user defined sized array. Also allows user to delete items to see how that works as well.

RSA Encryption Applet
This applet allows the user to step through the RSA Encryption process, to further understanding of the algorithms and ideas behind RSA encryption. It allows the user to create keys, encrypt and decrypt data to see everything work together

Compression Applet
This applet page allows the user to go through the lossless compression of both LZW and Huffman Encoding. The applet will take you step by step through the processes used so that you can better understand what is going on and how the compression fully works

Hashing Applet This applet allow the user to select the type of collision method used from linear probing or chaining methods and also allows the user to choose the hashing method. OK animation given to the user to see how the hashing and collisions are being handled

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