CS 3525: Advanced Topics in Security and Privacy

Spring 2014

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General Information


    Prof. Adam J. Lee
    Office: 6111 Sennott Square
    Email: adamlee -at- cs.pitt.edu
    Phone: 412-624-8416
  • T,H 4:00 - 5:15 PM, 6516 SENSQ
Office Hours:
  • T,H 2:30 - 4:00 PM, 6111 SENSQ
Optional references:


Course Description

Networked systems are becoming an increasingly prevalent and, in some cases, intrusive features in our everyday lives. Examples include online social networks, medical information systems, distributed sensor networks, and context aware applications. While these systems certainly provide users with many direct and indirect benefits, they also expose potentially sensitive personal and corporate data to risks such as unauthorized disclosure or unintended use (e.g., profiling).

This seminar course will cover recent research that aims to support the utility of the above types of systems, while still preserving data confidentiality and respecting user privacy. Specific topics will be selected from areas such as privacy in social information sharing systems; location privacy and exposure; privacy as an optimization criterion in data management systems; private data management; access control and privacy policy specification and enforcement; security and fault tolerance; trust, reputation, and collaborative filtering; and participatory sensing.

Security is an increasingly cross-cutting research area, and papers will be chosen from a wide range of conferences. I encourage any interested students to enroll. Background will be provided through reading assignments and in-class discussion.

Prerequisites: Graduate standing.
