Also, PCSource - 0 is for updating the PC to PC+4. That is because the value in ALUOut will be available next cycle. right? When you use a register value, its value had to be set during the previous cycle. From: Jan Wiebe To: Cc: Subject: timing in multicycle datapath Date: Wed, 31 Oct 2007 15:54:41 -0400 Hi Toby -- remember last semester when we discussed timing of the BEQ (ALUOp has the branch instrution, and PC is updated in cycle 3; but ALU is used during cycle 3 to compare rs and rt) I'm trying to come up with a description of the multicycle datapath such that the branch instruction makes sense. I want a "cartoonish" treatment that makes the diagrams make sense. I'm assuming all the registers are edge-triggered on rising edge (but rising or falling doesn't matter) What do you think? Suggestions otherwise? ===Add instruction stored at address X in memory rising edge of cycle 1 PC already contains X During cycle 1: Memory[PC] is accessed m1 PC + 4 is calculated m2 rising edge of cycle 2: IR <-- m1 PC <-- m2 During cycle 2: rs and rt are accessed m3,m4 branch address calculated m5 rising edge of cycle 3: A <- m3; B <- m4; ALUOut <- m5 During cycle 3: A op B calculated m6 rising edge of cycle 4: ALUOut <- m6 During cycle 4: ALUOut sent to register file rising edge of cycle 1 of next instruction: reg RD <-- ALUOut ==BEQ Cycles 1 and 2 are the same. rising edge of cycle 3: A <- m3; B <- m4; ALUOut <- m5 where m5 is the branch address. During cycle 3: A sub B is calculated m10 rising edge of cycle 1 of next instruction: PC <-- ALUOut, which is m5 ALUOut <-- m10, the result of the sub So, before this edge: PC: m2 ALUOut: m5 result of ALU: m10 zero of ALU: 1 (let's say they are equal) at the edge: PC: m2 ^ | ALUOut: m5 ^ | result of ALU: m10 zero of ALU: still has to have its value And, the control signals for a particular cycle -- e.g., PCWrite == 1 for cycle 1 -- need to hold their values through the changes made on the rising edge of the next cycle. I still think this looks confusing... Thanks for any suggestions.