HOMEWORK 2 (CS 1573)

Assigned: January 21, 2003

Due: January 28, 2003

The following exercises all concern the use and modification of the AIMA Python implementation of environments and agents for the vacuum-cleaner world. This code can be found at the AIMA Python Code webpage. Ali has also placed the AIMA code in /afs/cs.pitt.edu/projects/nltk/python_code/

NOTE: agent.py provides a Graphical User Interface for Environments. The Tkinter class does not seem to be installed properly in the CSSD machines. So Ali has edited agent.py to agent2.py, which does not give you the GUI.


The following exercise numbers refer to the exercises at the end of the AIMA Chapter 2 handout (page 57).

2.7: Modify the AIMA code as needed to implement this exercise.

2.8: Modify the AIMA code as needed to implement this exercise. In addition, use compare_agents to compare this performance with RandomAgent in this environment. Also, either complete the implementation of the table-driven agent, or explain why this is unreasonable to do.

2.9 (based on parts b and c): Modify the AIMA code as needed to implement the agent changes described in parts b and c of this exercise. Use compare_agents to compare the performance of your reflex, model-based, and random agents for all possible initial configurations.