Icon Algebra(Contd.)

3. Contextual Interpretation CON: CON (X,Y)
The meaning of the icon X is considered in the context of Y, and the result usually is a conceptual refinement (specialization) of the meaning of X.
For eg. X.[is]SUNDIAL.[quality]time and Y.[is]MONEY(7 coins).[number]7 so the result is "DAYS OF THE WEEK".

  +    = 7 DAYS OF THE WEEK

4. Enhancement ENH: ENH (X,Y)
This operator enhances the conceptual richness of the icon X by adding attributes from Y, and the result usually is an enrichment of the meaning of X.
For eg. X.[is]EYE.[quality]communication and Y.[is]UP.[quality]good so the result is "PRAISE".

  +    = PRAISE

5. Inversion INV: INV (X)
The meaning of the icon X is inverted. The inversion operator has only one argument.
For eg. God stands for "true", so the negation of "true" is "false". In the MinspeakTM iconic language, the icon"knot" stands for negation because it is homonymous to "not". Thus X.[is]god.[recall]true with the negation operator Y.[is]knot.[rhyme]not leads to Z.[is]false.

  +    = FALSE

6. Indexing IDX: IDX (X)
The index operator extracts the important meaning of an icon that will serve as an index to the original icon.
For eg. STOP sign is not used just for word STOP but we extract the meaning ie SIGN OFF.