Object-Oriented Design

Three Steps of OOD

Determine the actions ("methods") of the classes

1. From the functional model determine the messages sent from clients to objects.

2. Apply responsibility-driven design. If a client sends a message to an object, then that object is responsible for carrying out the request of the client. The client does not need to know how the request will be carried out.

3. Consolidate the actions (methods) of objects.

Class name        Financialinstrument
Method name       deleteRecord
Modifiers, type   public void
Arguments         none
Error messages    If record to be deleted does not exist
Files accessed    none
Files changed     none
Method called     findRecord, performDeletion
Narrative         Prompt user to enter ID of record to be deleted. Calls
                  findRecord to find the specified record, then calls
                  performDeletion to delete record.  Finally, reprots
                  that record has been deleted.