Appendix H: Online Shopping Case Study - Deisgn for C++ Implementation

An example of a few modules (method) for an online shopping Application is presented below:

Module Name:  CCustomerReport::getQualifications
Module Type: Method
Return Type: void
Input arguments: None
Output arguments: None
Error messages: If the date is entered incorrectly
Files accessed: None
Files changed: None
Modules called: CDate:validDate
Narrative: Retrieves and validates the order date
 from the customer

Module Name:  CCustomerReport::print
Module Type: Method
Return Type: void
Input arguments: None
Output arguments: None
Error messages: None
Files accessed: None
Files changed: None
Modules called: CReport:print
Narrative: Extends the base class print method; initializes the
  array that keeps track of orders, calls the base class
  print method, and then prints out the array
Each module corresponds to an IC card. The narrative is the function's processing narrative from the requirements specification.